World of Smash Bros Lawl Wiki
Gabriel ssbgbs by gbsshows-d7mdzvf

Gabriel, as he appears in Super Smash Bros. GBS

Entrance: X-Port[]

The X Soul appears, teleporting Gabriel into battle, who goes "Woah."

Neutral B: X Soul Launch[]

Gabriel summons the X Soul. Tilting the control stick in a certain direction makes Gabriel launch it. He can launch it in all directions. Pressing B again cancels this move.

Side B: Honey[]

Gabriel throws a big thing of honey at the opponent, damaging them or getting them stuck.

Up B: Stool Jump[]

He jumps off of a stepstool after stepping onto it. Similar to Sonic's up B in Brawl.

Down B: Chips[]

He eats a plate of chips, giving him health. The move can be cancelled if he gets hit.

Final Smash: X Soul Gabriel[]

He transforms into X Soul Gabriel, making his attacks 3x as strong for 20 seconds.


KO 1: "Ooww~!"

KO 2: grunts.

Star KO: "Aaaaahhhh~!!"

Screen KO: "Oof!"


Up: "Kabooey!"

Side: "Uh huh."

Down: bows.

Wins and Losses[]

1: "Wasn't so hard, was it?" then he shrugs.

2: "Well, back to gaming."

3: "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh snap!"

Loss: claps


Gabriel is a 12-year old YouTuber who is currently getting a new account. He makes videos starring him and his cousins, Brianna and Shanna. He created Super Smash Bros. GBS after his interest in chincherrinas' videos.
