World of Smash Bros Lawl Wiki
"Im Guldo of the Ginyu Force!"
"Im Guldo of the Ginyu Force!"
Universe Shonen Jump
Debut Dragon Ball Z
Appears in Super Lawl
Friends The Ginyu Force
Power Rangers
Enemies Gohan
Lawl Team Team Super Lawl

Special Moves[]

Neutral B - Ki Blast[]

The most basic form of Energy Wave (6-10%).

Side B - Psychic Rock Throw[]

Guldo uses telekinesis to lift a medium-sized to large boulder from the ground nearby, and then throws it at the opponent, inflicting moderate damage (10-15%).

Up B - Flight[]

The ability to fly with the use of ki.

Down B - Time Freeze[]

Guldo puts his hands out and inhales a lot of air. Then, he yells "Time Freeze!" and quickly closes his mouth to hold his breath. After this, time will temporarily stop for as long as Guldo can continue to hold his breath for 5 seconds.

Final Smash - Guldo Special[]

Guldo powers up as he curls his fingers and fires a white-clear beam that paralyzes the opponent by surrounding them with a purple cloud like aura. He then summons a tree trunk skewer and launches it at the opponent with his telekinesis to inflict a high amount of damage (100%).


KO 1:

KO 2:

Star KO:

Screen KO:


Up Taunt: *Does his fighting Pose*

Side Taunt:

Down Taunt:

Victory/Lose Pose[]

Victory 1:

Victory 2: Do the Fighting Pose

Victory 3:


Character Description[]

Guldo is the smallest and least powerful member of the Ginyu Force, physically. Guldo possesses some psychic abilities, including being able to stop time for as long as he can hold his breath; this seems to be one of the primary reasons he has attained membership to the Ginyu Force.

Other Attacks[]

Ground Attacks[]

Basic Attacks[]

  • Neutral attack- ???
  • Dash Attack- ???
  • Side Tilt- ???
  • Up Tilt- ???
  • Down Tilt- ???


  • Side- ???
  • Up- ???
  • Down- ???


  • Ledge attack: ???
  • 100% ledge attack: ???
  • Ground attack: ???
  • Trip attack: ???

Grabs, Throws[]

  • Grab- ???
  • Pummel- ???
  • Forward- ???
  • Backward- ???
  • Up- ???
  • Down- ???


  • Neutral- ???
  • Forward- ???
  • Backward- ???
  • Up- ???
  • Down- ???

Snake Codec[]


Role In The Subspace Emmisary[]



Colors & Costumes[]



  • Guldo is actually the weakest member of the Ginyu Force. But due to his psychic capabilities, he can be a very dangerous opponent.
  • Like the other members of the Ginyu Force, Guldo's special powers originated during his childhood. He realized he had psychic powers as a kid and he was a real brat, using his powers to lift up girls' skirts and steal whatever toys he wanted. Due to his special powers, he was recruited into the Ginyu Force later in his life.