World of Smash Bros Lawl Wiki
"Im Recoome of The Ginyu Force!"
"Im Recoome of The Ginyu Force!"
Universe Shonen Jump
Debut Dragon Ball Z
Appears in Super Lawl
Friends The Ginyu Force
The Power Rangers
Enemies Goku
Lawl Team Team Super Lawl

Special Moves[]

B- Recoome Eraser Gun[]

Recoome charges pink energy in his mouth and fires it in the form of a large energy wave. It is very powerful, able to practically erase anything in its path and distort part of a planet's region. However, a drawback is that it could even damage Recoome if his mouth is closed while firing the blast (23%).

Side B- Recoome Boom[]

in which he calls out the name of the attack and elbows the opponent on his/her head, knocking him/her down to the ground.

Up B- Flight[]

The ability to fly with the use of ki.

Down B- Recoome Kick[]

Recoome charges his body forward with his leg arched up, roughly kneeing the opponent (15-20%).

Final Smash- Recoome Ultra Fighting Bomber[]

When preparing it, Recoome says "Recoome... Ultra... Fighting..." as he forms a large amount of his energy around his body. He then shouts "...BOMBER!" and has the energy explode out of him in a massive blast, inflicting a large amount of damage and destroying everything within the attack's radius (120%).


KO 1:

KO 2:

Star KO:

Screen KO:


Up Taunt: Does his fighting pose.

Side Taunt: Shows his middle finger.

Down Taunt:

Victory/Lose Pose[]

Victory 1:

Victory 2: Do his fighting Pose.

Victory 3:


Character Description[]

Recoome is the first member of the Ginyu Force to appear onscreen during the team's elaborate introductory routine to Frieza. He also is one of the longest-lasting Ginyu Force members in terms of screen time. Though, chronologically, he is defeated second and dies not long after. He is very close to his comrades, especially to Guldo, as he is constantly cheering him up in battle and is shocked with his death. Recoome is fairly intelligent, as well as sadistic, and he greatly enjoys toying with his opponents and drawing them in with taunts.

Other Attacks[]

Ground Attacks[]

Basic Attacks[]

  • Neutral attack- ???
  • Dash Attack- ???
  • Side Tilt- ???
  • Up Tilt- ???
  • Down Tilt- ???


  • Side- ???
  • Up- ???
  • Down- ???


  • Ledge attack: ???
  • 100% ledge attack: ???
  • Ground attack: ???
  • Trip attack: ???

Grabs, Throws[]

  • Grab- ???
  • Pummel- ???
  • Forward- ???
  • Backward- ???
  • Up- ???
  • Down- ???


  • Neutral- ???
  • Forward- ???
  • Backward- ???
  • Up- ???
  • Down- ???

Snake Codec[]


Role In The Subspace Emmisary[]



Colors & Costumes[]



  • Like the other members of the Ginyu Force, Recoome's special powers originated during his childhood: Recoome practiced dance, which is how he got his agility and various battle poses. Recoome was later recruited in the Ginyu Force.
  • When Recoome is mocking Goku he shows the middle finger.