World of Smash Bros Lawl Wiki

(Gaston is doing some washing, then suddley Trunks appears out of knowhere)

Gaston: Hey, Trunks

Trunks: Gaston, i have to tell you.

Gaston: What's that?

Trunks: In 5 years, you will be suffered from a Heart Virus.

Gaston: WHAT!?

Trunks: Yes Gaston, you will die in August, 18th

Gaston: There's something that can cure the virus for 5 Years when i got a Heart Virus?

Trunks: Yes Gaston, is the medicine that my mom created in the future.

Gaston: Thanks bro, i don't want to die in 5 years of a natural cause

Trunks: See Ya Later!


Ebony: Dad, what Trunks said?

Gaston: He said i need training to become stronger

Amy Rose: Ok?

Kyle Hebert: The Heroes will also training for the next 5 years from the evil, thus the story begins.
